
Hucha cerdito con dinero

Sexualiarte is a not-for-profit association. But, unfortunately, we need money for our work. One way you can support us is to make a donation:

Asociación Sexualiarte
ES95 0073 0100 5105 0569 1615

Open Bank, S.A., Plaza de Santa Bárbara nº 2, 28004, (Madrid)

(At the moment, we are having problems with Openbank. We are in the process of opening a new account. In the meantime, we cannot receive donations.)

We are extremely grateful for any donation. 

If you want to support us in a regular way, you can set up a monthly or quarterly standing order. In that case, we would be very grateful if you let us know of your standing order. In that way we can better plan our work and our resources.